EGH-8100 / EGPS-8100型电子枪产品介绍
High Energy, High Current, Flood Electron Beam
1 keV to 100 keV
Energy Range: 1 keV to 100 keV
Beam Current: 10 nA to 1 mA (pulsed beam up to 20 mA)
Spot Size: 3 mm to 100 mm
System Mounting Flange: 6CF
Turbo Pump Mounting Flange: 4.5″ (4½) CF
Gauge Mounting Flanges: (3) 2.75″ (2¾) CF
The Kimball Physics EGH-8100 Electron Gun with its matching EGPS-8100 Power Supply is a complete subsystem ready to attach to the user’s vacuum system and turn on. It can deliver electrons over a very broad range of energies, currents, and power. The EGH-8100 has applications in space materials testing, radiation studies, semiconductor research, x-ray generation and plasma excitation.
The gun uses a refractory metal or lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) cathode to generate a high energy, high current electron beam. Both beam energy and beam current are independently adjustable over wide ranges; the energy from 1 keV to 100 keV, and current from 10 nA to 1 mA (20 mA pulsed). The electron beam can be pulsed by an input signal to the control grid.
The gun features an adjustable cathode feedthrough assembly that allows the mechanical alignment of the firing unit with respect to the anode. This alignment can be done in real-time while the gun is operating with beam on.
地址: 深圳市龙岗区坂田街道坂田社区坂雪岗大道3010号3层352室